The Logo is Finished!

The Logo is Finished!
My first non-college related Canva Project!

Another Small Victory

It took quite some time, but my personal logo is finally finished! It's far from professional and it's certainly not perfect. I must have spent around 5 or 6 hours of cumulative work between trying different styles and working with the Canva editor, which left me both pleased and disappointed. Canva certainly isn't photoshop, but it's leagues better than other free programs. Despite not spending much time on it, it was still challenging to find spare time between work, school, and all of my other projects (I'm seriously spread thin). None the less, This is one less thing to do, one more small victory!

I must admit, this was only my second Canva project. Prior to last month, I wasn't even sure what Canva was, having only been introduced to it in my English class during a recent project. I do enjoy the versatility of the editor, but I also thought it was lacking a few really important features, such as masks, and some blending or blurring tools. An idea that I had for my logo was to create a sort of hexagonal mesh that was only visible in the background of the ghost, but not inside the ghost. Of course, I could make this work roughly, but then I ran into the issue of the mesh overlapping some other layers and sticking out in areas that wouldn't look good. It would have been possible to design it by hand, but that would have added on at least an extra hour or two of work, and for the scope of this project and intended simplicity of design, I didn't think it was necessary, though I may come back around at some point to make modifications.

Where do I go From Here?

Well, There are still a number of stock photos that I'll need to swap out on the site, namely the stock photos in the about page. I'm planning on taking the photo adjacent to the About Me section and replacing it with a photo of myself (naturally). As for the second stock photo, I'm not really sure. I'll have to bust out some creative thinking and figure something out.

As for the rest of my plans, its a bit up in the air, but this is what I have so far:

  • Finish the SFDC Tracker
  • Correct Blog - I appreciate the integrated blog that offers, but it's very lackluster. At some point, I'll look into moving to a different blog, such as
  • Create social media profiles to branch out more
  • Brain storm additional projects to work on, focusing on the specific coding languages such as Python, Ruby, C++, and Javascript
  • Perhaps make a simple game and embed it?

I can't think of much more to add at this point - I'm a bit tired (It's almost 4:00 am). I know there will be so much more that I'll add to this project - the ideas keep flowing. Before I know it, I have three or four new concepts in mind, and by the time I write them down, I've forgotten atleast one of them. My next blog post will probably have something to do with the SFDC tracker - a continuation of the first part, since quite a bit has occurred since then.

Until then...